Lookin’ at U – Johna Belling

Quick, think of five things others should know about you.

That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.” Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee to feature.

This week, we feature Johna Belling, research administrator in the department of pharmacology and experimental neuroscience.

Here, in her own words, are some fun facts about Johnna:

picture disc.

Johna Belling
  • I’m from a family of 11 children; 7 boys and 4 girls. We are all very close and we have a saying that “our family puts the fun in dysfunctional.”
  • I graduated from high school on a Friday and started working at UNMC the very next Monday! I’d tell you what year I’m celebrating, but then you’d know my age.
  • My husband I will celebrate our 20th anniversary in May. When I married him, I went from one of the most common German surnames (Schultz) to the least common. If you know someone else with the last name Belling, we’re related.
  • I moved to Omaha to go to nursing school. Since I hadn’t taken chemistry in high school, I had to take a semester in college to get into nursing school. After chemistry, I had no desire to be a nurse, so I chose general administration instead.
  • People are fascinated with my first name. All my life, many people asked the same three questions. “Were you named after your dad?” and I’d say, “No, I’d be Carla.” Then they would ask if my parents wanted a boy, and I’d say, “I doubt it, they already had six.” Then they would ask, “Where did they get your name” and I’d respond, “In the obituary column.” (The truth is my mother saw the name in the newspaper and liked it; but I prefer my answer.)

Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.

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