Lincoln Science Café Oct. 28 topic: Debating Medical Marijuana


The public is invited to attend the next Science Cafe in Lincoln on Thursday, Oct. 28 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at red9, 9th and M streets. The speaker will be Ally Dering-Anderson, Pharm.D., whose talk will be titled, “Debating Medical Marijuana.”

Dr. Dering-Anderson is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy. She teaches pharmacy law and ethics.
She also frequently speaks on pharmacy and health issues for local groups, state associations, and regional meetings and has presented nationally and internationally. She has worked in various pharmacy settings in the community including long term care facilities and managed care.
Dr. Dering-Anderson received her doctor of pharmacy degree from the UNMC College of Pharmacy and a bachelor of arts degree from Doane College in Crete.
Science Cafe is a free educational event sponsored by UNMC and other groups to increase the population’s science literacy. Hosted by UNMC, BioNebraska and the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Lincoln Science Cafe is held on Thursdays every other month.
A more scientifically literate populace is a goal in UNMC’s strategic plan. The goal of the committee has been to introduce and get young adults interested in science by presenting it in a casual setting.
For more information about Science Cafes, go to


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