Delegate issues — Sen. Nelson to speak at campus event

Did you know the medical center has a grassroots advocacy program called UNMC Delegates that allows people to advocate on behalf of UNMC?

U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson will speak at the group’s Oct. 21 event on campus (see sidebar).

Currently, more than 400 people are enrolled in the program, which is run by the UNMC Government Relations Office and helps members stay up to date with governmental issues that affect the medical center.

Sen. Nelson on campus

In celebration of National Biomedical Research Day, the Delegates Program will host a quarterly speaker series event on Thursday, Oct. 21 at noon in the Sorrell Center, Room 1005.

U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson and UNMC surgeon and researcher Mark Carlson, M.D., who has worked on a liquid bandage project with University of Nebraska-Lincoln scientists that was funded by Department of Defense funds, will speak at the event.

For more information about the event or the UNMC Delegates program, contact Sara Cizek-Going, J.D., at 559-6671.

Below, Sara Cizek-Going, J.D., a UNMC government relations specialist, talks about the program.

Give us an overview of the UNMC Delegates program

The Delegates program, started in 2005, is a free information and advocacy program that keeps members informed of state and federal policy issues affecting UNMC. The program includes a monthly electronic newsletter on current and upcoming issues, as well as in-person events throughout the year. For issues that are critical to UNMC’s mission and/or programs, members receive “calls to action” so willing delegates can take appropriate action.

Who are your members?

Membership is open to anyone who supports UNMC. Our current membership includes people from all across the country including faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of UNMC.

Why should I join the program?

The Delegates program is free and is one way for UNMC supporters to stay on top of federal and state issues that affect education, research and patient care. Aside from monthly electronic communication, the program also hosts free events throughout the year, where members can hear from policymakers or UNMC faculty members. Past speakers have included state legislators, a member of the Governor’s cabinet and a U.S. Senate staffer, among others.

How can I join?

You can join online. Membership and all events are free and the program will never provide your information to third parties.

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