How you’ll find out about campus emergencies

In the case of a life-threatening situation on campus, such as an active shooter or a tornado, employees and students will be notified via the following methods:

  • An alert from the e2Campus system, which can simultaneously send text messages, voicemails and e-mails to subscribed employees;
  • A message over the public address system in buildings that have them;
  • Screen crawlers on office computers; and
  • An e-mail from UNMC Today.

“We’ll use every channel of communication possible to alert employees of dangerous situations,” said John Hauser, UNMC’s safety manager, who strongly urged employees and students to register for the e2Campus alert system. “It is the most powerful tool we have to notify you of emergencies because it can reach you wherever you are.”

Employees, log onto to register.

Students, register at or via Blackboard.

To receive an emergency message, you must have one of the following services:

  • Mobile phone with text-messaging capability;
  • E-mail service with valid e-mail address;
  • Access to Internet with Web browser;
  • Text paging device; and/or
  • Blackberry device.

Employees would have to pay the cost for a text message should such an event occur but the cost of a message should only add about 10 cents to your cellular phone bill.

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