Electronic media and education the focus of Thursday seminar

About the speaker

Chuck Valauskas, J.D., is legal counsel to domestic and foreign companies, new ventures, universities and research foundations. A former adjunct professor for intellectual property matters, Valauskas is registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He also is co-author of two books on copyright, numerous legal publications and his articles have appeared in the ABA Journal, The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

On Thursday, Chuck Valauskas, J.D., an adviser to UNeMed and an expert on technological and intellectual property issues, will help you navigate the thorn assoicated with the use of electronic media in education.

During an 8 a.m. seminar in the Sorrell Center, Room 4053, Valauskas will discuss:

  • The role universities have played in developing key tools that currently distribute content around the world;
  • The management of derivative rights, including copyright;
  • Two major lawsuits over Google’s scanning of some 12 million books; and
  • Browsewrap agreements — the most common form of electronic agreement in use — and whether or not they are enforceable.

Valauskas’ presentation is sponsored by the McGoogan Library of Medicine. Refreshments will be provided.

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