Get rid of unused drugs on Sept. 25-26

Many addicts find their drugs in medicine cabinets in their own homes as well as those of their loved ones.

Learn more

For more information, contact the LiveWise Coalition at 402-990-7355 or

To help combat this issue, UNMC’s chapter of American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), along with LiveWise Coalition and various other community organizations, will host a pair of free drug take-back days on:
  • Saturday, Sept. 25 — 10 a.m. to noon, Applewood HyVee at 96th and Q streets; and
  • Sunday, Sept. 26 — Noon to 2 p.m., Center Mall, 42nd and Center.

The Drug Enforcement Agency will take all drugs collected from the events and destroy them in a environmentally safe manner.

Below, the LiveWise Coalition answers questions about proper disposal of unused and unwanted medications.

Why is it important to properly dispose of unused medications?

Prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing trend in illicit drug use, second only to marijuana. Data from the state department of health and human services indicates that one in 10 Nebraska teenagers have admitted to abusing prescription drugs at some point. The Nebraska State Patrol reveals that in 2009, there were more fatalities from overdoses relating to prescription drugs than all traffic accidents in Douglas and Sarpy Counties.

What do I have to do get rid of my unused drugs at the events?

Individuals are encouraged to bring any medications that have expired or they are no longer taking. When you arrive at the take-back you will go through a drive-thru where medications will be turned in.

With the help of local law enforcement and pharmacists, all medications collected will be sorted and properly disposed. All medications will be accepted, but we do ask pharmacies, health clinics and drug reps NOT use these events to dispose of excess inventory.

How should I properly dispose of unused medications if I can’t make these events?

It is important to never flush medications unless instructed to do so by the label. Flushing medications can contaminate our water supply. Instead:

  • Remove medications from their containers and crush the substance;
  • Place the crushed medicine in a sealable container and mix with cat litter or coffee grounds;
  • Seal the container and throw it away. Black out all personal information on packaging materials before throwing them away.

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