Wellness Wednesday – have you tried P90X?

picture disc.Have you tried P90X?

If so, what did you think of it?

Was it really as difficult as people say it is?

Did you get the results you were after?

Want to try it?

P90X DVDs are available for use in the Center for Healthy Living.

Is it something you can stick with long term?

We want to hear the experiences from those on campus who have tried the program.

So if you’ve tried P90X, click on the “Post a comment” tab below and tell us how it went.

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  1. Gary Beck says:

    I have it. I used the DVDs. However, it is more time consuming than advertised because it is not easy to complete the exercises in about an hour. I use the muscle building routines at the gym and still use the Cardio X and Yoga X DVDs regularly. It's good, but to really see the results you have to follow the diet plan and be a zealot about using the workouts daily.

  2. Kim Strohbehn says:

    I've had P90X at home for over a year. I love the workouts and yes they are hard! They include stretching, which is good because I'm not very good at including that in my wokout otherwise. Only drawback for me personally is I prefer more cardio. Do I look like the P90X ripped promos?? Ahhhh… no, but you have eat lean and mean, which I honestly didn't do. But I'm definitely stronger and still do the workouts combined with running. Definitely worth the purchase!

  3. Sue says:

    I have a few of the DVD's at home and have used them at the CFHL as well. I love them….well, the ones that I can do anyway. I have physical limitations and can not do the entire program. I love the DVDs that I can do and it only took a couple of times before I could keep up with them. In my opinion, they are well worth the money.

  4. Tammy H. says:

    My 14 year old son begged me to buy him the P90X but I stalled thinking it would be another "work out" plan that was never followed through. I finally did purchase it for him and he loves it. He uses the DVD's 5 days aweek and has stuck to it. It does work. He has gained so much confindence in himself and now he is in Sports..(never interested before). I know my son would recommend it to anyone who is ready to get fit…..he sure did. And yes, I am glad I bought this for him.

  5. Raven says:

    I loved P90X when I was deployed and I still do it.

  6. Lisa Grabenbauer says:

    I bought it for myself – dropped my gym membership and used P90X as my main fitness activity. It's a nice combination of strength training and cardio. And – you also get a very structured nutrition plan, which is key to getting results. I liked being able to do it at home, on my own schedule. My main sport is cycling, and it made me much stronger. I never quite achieved the form for push-ups and pull-ups, but I got results just by "doing my best". Also, it is very structured in the sequence of the workouts – you have to be willing to commit the time and do it every day. I was very happy with the results, and am planning on starting it all over again at the end of the summer.

  7. Kathy Wolfe says:

    I've been using it for nearly 90 days, and I absolutely love it! It is helping me get in better shape than ever. Even though it is very demanding, I actually look forward to each workout, and I don't get bored because there is so much variety. I highly recommend it!

  8. Chris Huntley says:

    I owe so much to P90X. Most people do P90X to get ripped or lose weight, but I recently completed the 90 day program at the suggestion of my doctor. He told me I needed to lower my cholesterol and triglycerides or he was going to put me on medication, and I’m only 31! I tried P90X, and my results were nothing short of amazing. My total cholesterol dropped 17% and my triglycerides fell an incredible 58%. I posted more details and pictures of my lab results, if you’re interested in linking to it. http://www.insuranceblogbychris.com/lowered-cholesterol-life-insurance-exa. It really was difficult, especially with a wife and 2 young kids. They wake up early, so I had to begin my workouts when they went to sleep at 9 o'clock some nights, and it was hard to press play some nights, I admit. Also, the first couple weeks, you are incredibly sore, but it gets easier after that. Plyometrics is a butt kicking hard workout.

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