Science Cafe to explore problems of preterm births

It’s estimated that preterm births cost society more than $26.2 billion per year.

It’s a huge problem and lowering the number of preterm births is certainly a major goal among health professionals. A preterm birth is considered to be anything less than 37 weeks gestation.

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Jack Turman Jr. Ph.D.
How to reduce the number of preterm births will be the focus of the next Omaha Science Cafe, at 7 p.m., Aug. 3, at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St.

Jack Turman Jr., Ph.D., director of physical therapy education in the School of Allied Health Professions, will be the presenter. He will explore:

  • Why the infant mortality rate for blacks in Nebraska is nearly twice as high as the state’s overall infant mortality rate;
  • How nearly one-third of brain development occurs in the final four weeks of a full-term pregnancy; and
  • How Nebraska’s goal is to reduce its preterm births by 5 percent.

Free pizza, provided by the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, will be available for the first 50 attendees.

View more about Science Cafes online.

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