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Looking back on 20 years of RHOP with Niki Salomon

Since its inception in 1990, 356 students have graduated from the Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP).

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Niki Salomon, Pharm.D.
Many of those young health care professionals returned to rural towns in Nebraska where they live and practice today. Here is a look at one of those professionals in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the RHOP program.

Niki Salomon, Pharm.D., works at Barmore Drug in Lexington, Neb., and lives in Gothenburg with her husband Aaron Salomon and three-year-old daughter Avery.

How do you feel your participation in the RHOP program affected your career as a rural health practitioner?

Being a participant in the program helped me keep my long-term focus on returning to a rural area. I also spent a little more time on certain areas of my pharmacy curriculum when the subject matter was related to rural pharmacy issues.

What was your most memorable moment as a student and now as a practitioner?

As a student, I really enjoyed all of my rotations and the challenges each presented. At times I was a little out of my comfort zone, but I think those experiences helped me become a better pharmacist.

As a practitioner, I am very proud that I have been involved in medication therapy management since its inception in 2006.

Who is one instructor from your education that had the greatest influence on you? Why?

I really enjoyed the opportunity to be a student with Nancy Sloan at Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff for my final rotations in the spring of 2002. She is so passionate about the profession of pharmacy and her passion is contagious!

What benefits do you feel what you do has brought to your community?

I have developed strong relationships with those patients who are dealing with a long-term illness. As a mother, I think I have a better understanding of the challenges that parents face and I have learned to be a better counselor to parents. Also, my interest in diabetes management has helped me get to know our diabetic population better.