UNMC for the record

Below is a list of achievements, activities and happenings involving UNMC staff, faculty and students.

Special images

View images from a recent Special Olympics symposium at UNMC.

A recent Special Olympics Health Symposium, sponsored in part by the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute, highlighted the health concerns faced by people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. More than 100 people registered for the free July 17 symposium, titled “Improving Health for People with Intellectual Disabilities – Policy, Practice and Possibility.” The symposium preceded the 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games in Lincoln on July 18-23.

Debra Von Seggern, emergency medical services coordinator in the UNMC Continuing Education, recently was elected president of the Nebraska Emergency Medicine Services Association, which is composed of medical directors and emergency first responders from around the state.

On a separate note, Von Seggern will participate in an Aug. 3 panel discussion at the Institute of Medicine in Washington on the issue of rural mass casualty response.

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James O’Dell, M.D.

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Connie Mitchell
James O’Dell, M.D., chief of the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine’s and Omaha VA division of rheumatology and immunology, is featured on the front page in the current American College of Physicians Internist publication in an article on rheumatoid arthritis.

Catherine Bevil, Ed.D., professor and director of continuing nursing education and evaluation at the College of Nursing, has received two educational grants from Astra Zeneca and Pfizer for $10,000 and $25,000 respectively. The grants will provide support to expand a two-day pharmacology conference for advanced practice nurses and make the conference more widely available.

Connie Mitchell, assistant professor and radiography program director of the division of radiation science technology education, has been has been elevated to fellow status by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Shelby Kutty, M.D., pediatric cardiologist with joint appointment between UNMC and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, won the distinguished Arthur E. Weyman Young Investigator’s Award for his research titled “Sonothrombolysis of Intra-Catheter Aged Venous Thrombi in-vitro using Microbubbles Enhancement and Guided Ultrasound Pulses.”

Renaisa Anthony, M.D., associate professor in the College of Public Health, has been named to the 2010-2011 Leadership Omaha class. The 10-month program encourages participants to assume leadership roles in community affairs and develop awareness of the Omaha community.

The Specialty Care Clinic’s book and equipment collection drive has led to more than 500 used books and several boxes of used medical equipment being shipped to a new medical and dental school in Zambia.

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