Leadership tour hits southeast corner of 500-mile campus

UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and 10 of UNMC’s top leaders visited six cities in southeast Nebraska last week as part of the medical center’s eighth annual leadership tour.

The team stopped in Beatrice, Nebraska City, Lincoln, Bellevue, La Vista, and south Omaha, to meet with organizations and community members.

Tour photos

The images above are from last week’s UNMC leadership tour of southeast Nebraska. Double click on the images to see information about the pictures.

They discussed UNMC’s recent successes in its education, research and patient care mission, including four new facilities that soon will open. Health care reform and its impact also was addressed.

“The trip is my favorite trip of the year. It’s a chance to visit with the people of the state and talk about what UNMC is doing to improve the health of Nebraska,” Dr. Maurer said. “We are committed to making sure the world-class resources we have here are available no matter where in Nebraska one lives. Everything we do is done on behalf of Nebraskans.”

With an academic, research and clinical presence in more than 100 Nebraska communities, Dr. Maurer often refers to UNMC’s “500-mile campus.”

Those who joined Dr. Maurer on the trip included:

  • Bob Bartee, vice chancellor for external affairs;
  • Kenneth Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., director, Eppley Cancer Center
  • Courtney Fletcher, Pharm.D., dean, UNMC College of Pharmacy;
  • Mike Leibowitz, Ph.D., director, Munroe-Meyer Institute
  • Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D., interim dean, College of Medicine;
  • Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., associate dean, School of Allied Health Professions;
  • Rubens Pamies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs;
  • Alice Schumaker, Ph.D., associate dean of academic affairs, College of Public Health;
  • Joan Sivers, D.D.S., assistant dean, clinics, College of Dentistry;
  • Virginia Tilden, D.N.Sc., dean, College of Nursing.

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