18th annual state health science meet draws 58 students from across Nebraska

Fifty-eight eighth-grade students from 30 schools across Nebraska attended UNMC’s 18th annual Health/Science Meet June 10-12, for an educational and fun experience.


The goal of the meet is to inspire students, especially those from rural communities, to pursue careers in health care. The students qualify for the meet by submitting science projects in one of nine regional science meets sponsored by the Nebraska Area Health Education Centers across the state earlier in the year.


While on campus students were exposed to the health professions, medical research and patient care. Events included hands-on science activities such as:


·         Presentations about a variety of health science disciplines

·         Tours of UNMC

·         A team science competition


Below is a list of participants in alphabetical order by school followed by student’s name and hometown. The students are listed in alphabetical order as they appear in the photograph.  


Ainsworth Community Schools

Hallie Bower — Ainsworth

Clay Chohon — Ainsworth


Allen High School

Austin Connot — Allen

Myles Flores — Waterbury

Lindsey Irene Jones — Allen

Cortny Surber — Concord


Bishop Neumann High School

Joseph Benes — Valparaiso

Emily Brabec — Wahoo

Stephanie Cernik — Colon

Michaela Steager — Fremont

Liz Virgl — Wahoo

Kyler Weist — Colon


Bluffs Middle School

Sarah Mercer-Smith — Scottsbluff

Daniel R. Schaub — Scottsbluff

Curtis Welsh — Scottsbluff


Boone Central High School

Brooke Anderson — Albion

Jake Grundmayer — Petersburg


Cedar Catholic High School

Matthew Barnell — Randolph

Noah Miller — Hartington


Chase County Schools

Korey Krutsinger — Imperial


Cody-Kilgore Unified School

Katie Compton — Kilgore


Coleridge High School

Ben Barelman — Coleridge

Griffin York — Coleridge


Columbus Middle School

Brandon Perkins — Columbus


Elgin High School

Ivy Prater — Elgin

Hunter Elizabeth Thramer — Oakdale


Franklin Public

Kenton Fritson — Franklin

Bailey McKay — Franklin


Fremont Middle School

Susy Graff — Fremont

Brittney Schram — Fremont

Caitlin Wilkens — Fremont


Gothenburg Middle School

Carson Messersmith — Gothenburg


Gretna Middle School

Amelia Ashley — Gretna


Leyton Public Schools

Whitney Goeman — Broadwater


Malcolm Public Schools

Spencer Caldwell — Lincoln


Mission Middle School

Morgan Goldsberry — Bellevue


Newman Grove High School

Megan Nelson — Newman Grove

Brooke Pieke — Newman Grove


Perkins County Middle School

Kylie Hanson — Grant

Tayler Walter — Grant


Peter Kiewit Middle School

Apurva Kunte — Omaha

Mary Kate Luddy — Omaha


Platteview Central Junior High

Jacob Stanosheck — Springfield


Pope John Central Catholic

Mallory Fangman — Petersburg


Ravenna High School

Ciana Long — Hazard

Anna Ripp — Ravenna


Russell Middle School

Richie Diurba — Omaha


Scribner-Snyder Community Schools    

Becca Fischer — Scribner

Laura Moxness — Scribner

Kourtney Muller — Scribner


St. Patrick’s High School

Jamie Smith — North Platte


Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Public Schools

Lindsey Bjork — Syracuse

Emily Harsin — Syracuse

Haley Harsin — Syracuse

Mitchell Stilmock — Syracuse


Westridge Middle School

Nicolas Rozo — Grand Island


Wilcox-Hildreth High School

K-Zel Damitog — Hildreth

Jess Harms — Wilcox


As the state’s only academic health science center, UNMC is on the leading edge of health care. Breakthroughs are possible because hard-working researchers, educators and clinicians are resolved to work together to fuel discovery. In 2009, UNMC’s extramural research support topped $100 million for the first time, resulting in the creation of 3,600 jobs in Nebraska. UNMC’s academic excellence is shown through its award-winning programs, and its educational programs are responsible for training more health professionals practicing in Nebraska than any other institution. Through its commitment to education, research, patient care and outreach, UNMC and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, have established themselves as one of the country’s leading health care centers. UNMC’s physician practice group, UNMC Physicians, includes 550 physicians in 50 specialties and subspecialties who practice primarily in The Nebraska Medical Center. For more information, go to UNMC’s Web site at www.unmc.edu.



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