Lookin’ at U – Ben James

picture disc.Quick, think of five things others should know about you.

That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.”

Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee to feature.

This week, we feature Ben James, computer technician in the UNMC College of Dentistry.

Here, in his own words, are five fun facts about Ben:

picture disc.

Ben James
  • My first computer was an Apple IIe running at 1.023 megahertz, my current home systems is a quad core 4.0 gigahertz machine.

  • Foosball is a huge hobby of mine. I have had three foosball tables set up in my house at once. Some foosball achievements include a gold medal in the Cornhusker State Games, a semi-pro doubles championship and a back-to-back rookie singles championship.

  • I have always enjoyed sports cars and have owned a Camaro, a Corvette and a Mustang at different points.

  • I really enjoy energy drinks and for odd reason I have an energy drink can collection with more than 100 different cans.

  • Barbecues go real well with Husker football, as long as I am the grill master!

Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.

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