Preferred vendors selected for graphic design and photography services

After a request for proposal (RFP) was sent to area graphic designers and photographers, several local firms have been selected in each category to provide their services to UNMC.

The preferred vendors for graphic design are:

  • Bailey Lauerman;
  • Clark Creative;
  • Daake Design;
  • David Day & Associates; and
  • Webster Design.

Preferred vendors for photography are:

  • Scott Dobry;
  • Brandon McKenna; and
  • Philip Nealy.

“We are thrilled with the caliber of vendors that have been selected to work with UNMC on graphic design and photography projects,” said Renee Fry, J.D., director of public relations. “Each vendor possesses a unique skill set, and charge at different price points, which will address the various needs of our campus.”

The preferred vendors will be used for all design and photography projects that cannot be done in-house through printing services and public relations. This will ensure that the branding of UNMC is consistent and accurate.

In essence, for graphic design and printing needs, campus departments should initially consult with UNMC Printing Services, and if the work cannot be done in-house, they are required to use one of the preferred vendors.

Vendor policy

A formal policy regarding the use of these vendors for campus communications is being processed and can be viewed online.

Assistance will be provided to select the appropriate vendor for each project. For photography, it is recommended that units consult with public relations to find an appropriate photographer for their needs.

The vendors were selected by a campus-wide committee and were chosen based on expertise, creativity/design work, cost, customer service and professionalism.

Campus leaders expect reduced spending and improved business efficiency thanks to the use of preferred vendors.

“We’ve looked at the numbers: our campus spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in graphic design and photography services to numerous outside vendors over the past year,” said Deb Thomas, assistant vice chancellor for business and finance. “By establishing our preferred vendors, we’ve achieved special rates that will save us a significant amount of money.”

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