UNMC students train in communities across Nebraska


University of Nebraska Medical Center students are working with health professionals across Nebraska as part of their health care education requirements. The rotations are part of the UNMC Rural Health Education Network (RHEN), an innovative program developed to help address the shortage of health professionals in rural Nebraska.
The students represent the College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Dentistry, and the School of Allied Health Professions.
Nebraska’s Area Health Education Centers support students during UNMC rural rotations by integrating them into the community during their rotations. AHECs are community-based programs that work with community and academic partners to address the health care work force needs of medically underserved communities through a variety of activities such as continuing education for providers, pipeline development for K-12 students, and other community-oriented programs.
For more information, call your local Area Health Education Center (AHEC) office: Central Nebraska AHEC, Grand Island (308) 385-5074; Northern Nebraska AHEC, Norfolk (402) 644-7256; Nebraska Panhandle AHEC, Scottsbluff (308) 635-6713; Southeast Nebraska AHEC, Beatrice (402) 228-9094; or at UNMC, call (402) 559-1979.
The following students are participating in rural rotations. Listed below is the name of the town where students will perform the rotation, the student’s name, hometown, educational program, rotation facility, and rotation dates.
Albion – Amanda Bond, Clarinda, IA, Physician Assistant, Boone County Health Center, 2/1-3/28
Alliance – Katie Metz, Paxton, NE, Physician Assistant, Sandhills Family Medicine/Dialysis, 1/4-3/28
Ashland – Andrea Carder, Albion, NE, Pharmacy, Ashland Pharmacy Inc., 3/1-3/26
Beatrice – Jessica Burger, Plymouth, NE, Pharmacy, Beatrice State Developmental Center (BSDC), 3/1-3/26
Bellevue – Laura Byous, Lincoln, NE, Physical Therapy, Hillcrest Health and Rehabilitation, 3/1-4/23; Ross Oberg, Culbertson, NE, Physical Therapy, Excel Physical Therapy – Bellevue, 3/1-4/23; Sara Ourada, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Bellevue OB/Gyn Associates, 4/5-5/2; Alexandrea Romano, NE, Pharmacy, The NE Med Center – Summit Plaza, 3/1-3/26
Boys Town –Diana Podlecki, Longmont, CO, Physician Assistant, Boys Town Pediatrics, 4/5-5/2
Broken Bow –Megan Smith, North Platte, NE, Pharmacy, Holcomb Pharmacy, 4/5-4/30; Kari Wellman, Auburn, NE, Pharmacy, Holcomb Pharmacy, 3/1-3/26
Columbus –Kerri Bohn, Norfolk, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 4/6-4/8; Lindsay Goodrich, Schuyler, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 3/23-3/25; Mellisa Keim, Sterling, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 3/9-3/11; Josh Magill, Arnold, NE, Physical Therapy, Columbus Physical Therapy, 3/1-4/23; Abbie Seitz, Columbus, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 4/13-4/15; Sheena Sullivan, Lincoln, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 3/16-3/18; Rochelle Wright, Columbus, NE, Dentistry, Good Neighbor Health Center, 3/30-4/1
Cozad – Jed Droge, Pawnee City, NE, Physical Therapy, Cozad Community Hospital, 3/1-4/23
Crete – Derek Deyle, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, Ken’s Pharmacy, 4/5-4/30
David City – Tad Tewes, Bennet, NE, Physician Assistant, Witter Family Practice, 1/4-3/28
Elkhorn – Randi Taylor, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, U-Save Pharmacy – Elkhorn (was Elkhorn Drug), 3/1-3/26
Fremont – Kevin Bromage, Saratoga, CA, Medicine, Pediatric Partners LLC, 3/1-3/26; Eggers, Omaha, NE, Medicine, Kid Care, 4/5-4/30; Kurt Kapels, Creston, NE, Medicine, Kid Care, 5/3-5/28; Zachary Martens, Seward, NE, Medicine, Kid Care, 5/31-6/25; Evan Neesan, David City, NE, Medicine, Pediatric Partners LLC, 5/3-5/28; Shervin Razavian, Lincoln, NE, Medicine, Kid Care, 3/1-3/26;
Gering – Molly Bahl, Omaha, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 3/29-4/2; Kerri Bohn, Norfolk, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 3/8-3/12; Christina Goodsell, Dentistry, Panhandle Community Services, 3/8-3/19; Suzanne Melia, Ord, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 3/22-3/26; Betsy Morgan, Albion, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 4/12-4/16; Jennifer Olson, West Point, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 3/8-3/12; Kelly Plote, Lincoln, NE, Dentistry, Panhandle Community Services, 3/8-3/19; Abbie Seitz, Columbus, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 3/15-3/19; Amber Trowbridge, Page, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 4/19-4/23; Rochelle Wright, Columbus, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 4/5-4/9
Grand Island –Elizabeth Boals, Sutton, NE, Pharmacy, St. Francis Rural Oncology – Grand Island, 3/1-3/26; Julie Felt, Glenwood, IA, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 3/1-3/26; Julie Felt, Glenwood, IA, Pharmacy, St. Francis Rural Oncology – Grand Island, 4/5-4/30; Colby Fox, Grand Island, NE, Physical Therapy, Grand Island Physical Therapy, 3/1-4/23; Adrianna Garcia, Albuquerque, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA – Acute Geriatrics, 3/1-3/26; Alesa Hebbert, Gering, NE, Physical Therapy, Grand Island Physical Therapy, 3/1-4/23; Craig Johnson, Omaha, NE, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 5/31-6/25; Margaret Kucera, Burwell, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA – Acute Geriatrics, 4/5-4/30; Kelli Lueth, Wakefield, NE, Medicine, St. Francis Medical Center, 8/17/2009-5/7; Brett Malchow, Colon, NE, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 5/3-5/28; Travis Maloley, Pharmacy, U-Save Pharmacy – Grand Island (South), 3/1-3/26; Michelle Markowski, Ord, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 4/5-4/30; Abbie Pembleton, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 3/1-3/26; Tyler Ptacek, O’Neill, NE, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 3/1-3/26; Kelli Roark, Kearney, NE, Medicine, St. Francis Medical Center, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010; Jodi Schreurs, Grand Island, NE, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 4/5-4/30; Anne Wellensiek, Cook, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 4/5-4/30;
Gretna – Canice Coan, Columbus, NE, Pharmacy, Gretna Drug, 3/1-3/26
Hastings –Karsen Duncan, Franklin, Nebraska, NE, Pharmacy, Redline Pharmacy Solutions, 4/5-4/30; Angelique Walstrom, Omaha, NE, Medicine, Children & Adolescent Clinic, 4/5-4/30
Holdrege –Linnea Hopp, Harlan, IA, Physician Assistant, Family Medical Specialties, 3/1-3/28; Linnea Hopp, Harlan, IA, Physician Assistant, Family Medical Specialties, 4/5-5/2
Kearney – Andrew Casper, Minden, NE, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 4/5-4/30; Lanell Hipke, Stuart/Atkinson, NE, Physical Therapy, Good Samaritan Hospital, 3/1-4/23; Bryce Jarzynka, Cairo, NE, Physician Assistant, Contemporary Obstetrics & Gynecology, 4/5-5/2; Margaret Kucera, Burwell, Pharmacy, Good Samaritan Hospital, 3/1-3/26; Luke Schroeder, Gibbon, NE, Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010; Katie Swanson, Columbus, NE, Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010
La Vista – Brad Plouzek, Hickman, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA Internal Medicine – Brentwood, 3/1-3/28
Lincoln –Brianne Behrends, Firth, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Clinic, 4/5-5/2; Jessica Burger, Plymouth, NE, Pharmacy, Bryan LGH Medical Center, 4/5-4/30; Canice Coan, Columbus, NE, Pharmacy, Lincoln Neighborhood Pharmacy, 4/5-4/30; Carla Dolezal, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Family Psychiatric Association of Lincoln, 4/5-5/2; Steven Gogela, Lincoln, NE, Medicine, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 3/1-3/26; Stefanie Kranz, Watertown, SD, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 4/5-5/2; Curt Krobot, Stuart, NE, Physical Therapy, BryanLGH, 3/1-4/23; Jennifer Mihaljevic, Lincoln, NE, Physical Therapy, St. Elizabeth’s Community Health Center, 3/1-4/23; Christie Miller, Blair, NE, Physician Assistant, South Lincoln Dermatology Clinic, 3/1-3/28; Angela Moen, Roslyn, SD, Physician Assistant, Family Psychiatric Association of Lincoln, 3/1-3/28; Angela Moen, Roslyn, SD, Physician Assistant, Heir-Duffin Craig & Associates, 4/5-5/2; Craig Morgan, Pharmacy, HyVee – Lincoln, 3/1-3/26; Kelsey Muller, Milford, NE, Physical Therapy, Madonna Therapy Plus – Main Campus, 3/1-4/23; Nguyen, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Heart Hospital, 3/1-3/26; Gregory Nissen, Lincoln, NE, Medicine, Pediatrics, P.C., 4/5-4/30; Lauren Peeler, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Doctors of Children Lincoln, 3/1-3/28; Abbie Pembleton, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center – Burn and Wound Care, 4/5-4/30; Kelly Shockey, Lee’s Summit, MO, Physician Assistant, St. Elizabeth Medical Plaza Building, 4/5-5/2; Julie Sorensen, Creighton, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 3/1-3/26; Stephanie Thimm, Beatrice, NE, Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 3/1-3/26; Peter Vu, Terre Haute, IN, NE Pharmacy, CVS Pharmacy #8610, 3/1-3/26; Peter Vu, Terre Haute, IN, NE, Pharmacy, Shopko Pharmacy – Lincoln, 4/5-4/30; Tiffany Wood, Sioux City, IA, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Clinic, 3/1-3/28; Tiffany Wood, Sioux City, IA, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 4/5-5/2
Norfolk – Ben Deutschman, North Platte, NE, Physical Therapy, Heartland Physical Therapy, 3/1-4/23; Rachel Hippen, Lewiston, NE, Medicine, Faith Regional Health Services, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010; Jamie Krysl, Atkinson, NE, Medicine, Faith Regional Health Services, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010; Lindsey Michael, Albion, NE, Physical Therapy, Faith Regional Health Services, 3/1-4/23
North Platte – Eric Arreguin, Newman Grove, NE, Medicine, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010; Justin Welch, Hershey, NE, Medicine, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 8/17/2009-5/7/2010
Oakland – Travis Babcock, Republican City, NE, Physician Assistant, Oakland Medical Clinic, 1/4-3/28
Ord –Regina Rawlings, McCook, NE, Physician Assistant, Ord Family Health Center, 1/4-3/28
Papillion –Samantha Pfaller, Toronto, Canada, ON, Physical Therapy, Excel Physical Therapy – Papillion, 3/1-4/23; Nathan Weston, Nebraska City, NE, Pharmacy, Super Target Pharmacy, Store T532, 3/1-3/26
Plattsmouth – Ariana Astley, Plattsmouth, NE, Medicine, UNMC Physicians, 3/1-3/26; David Berkheim, Lincoln, NE, Medicine, UNMC Physicians, 5/3-5/28; Ashley Foster, Prairie Village, KS, Physician Assistant, UMA, 4/5-5/2; Alex Lesiak, Grand Island, NE, Medicine, UNMC Physicians, 4/5-4/30; Mark List, West Point, NE, Medicine, UNMC Physicians, 5/31-6/25
Scottsbluff – Jodi Cantrell, Kimball, NE, Medicine, Platte Valley Pediatrics, 3/1-3/26; Mark Davis, Colorado Springs, CO, Physician Assistant, Regional West Medical Ctr – ER, 3/1-3/28; Mark Davis, Colorado Springs, CO, Physician Assistant, The Women’s Center, 4/5-5/2; Joe Manasek, Gering, NE, Physician Assistant, Horizons West Medical Group, 4/5-5/2; Katie Metz, Paxton, NE, Physician Assistant, Regional West Medical Center – ER, 4/5-5/2; Matthew Schmitt, Colorado Springs, CO, Medicine, Platte Valley Pediatrics, 5/3-5/28; Lindsay Strannigan, Cheyenne, WY, Physician Assistant, Scottsbluff Orthopeadic Associates PC, 4/5-5/2;
Sidney –Lindsay Strannigan, Cheyenne, WY, Physician Assistant, Sidney Clinic, 1/4-3/28; Lea Wells, St, Paul, NE, Physician Assistant, Sidney Clinic, 4/5-5/2
Tilden – Jill Connot, Valentine, NE, Physician Assistant, Tilden Community Hospital Medical Clinic, 4/5-5/2;
Valentine – Lea Wells, St, Paul, NE, Physician Assistant, Valentine Medical Clinic, 1/4-3/28
Wayne –Ashley Foster, Prairie Village, KS, Physician Assistant, Northeast Nebraska Medical Group, PC, 1/4-3/28
West Point – Victoria Liston, Hooper, NE, Physician Assistant, Dinklage Medical Clinic, 3/1-3/28; Victoria Liston, Hooper, NE, Physician Assistant, Dinklage Medical Clinic, 4/5-5/2
York – Stacey Pault, Kenai, AK, Physician Assistant, York Medical Clinic, 4/5-5/2; Stacy Pelican, Palmer, NE, Pharmacy, York General Hospital, 4/5-4/30; Rachel Rohrs, Pharmacy, York General Hospital, 3/1-3/26
As the state’s only academic health science center, UNMC is on the leading edge of health care. Breakthroughs are possible because hard-working researchers, educators and clinicians are resolved to work together to fuel discovery. In 2009, UNMC’s extramural research support topped $100 million for the first time, resulting in the creation of 3,600 jobs in Nebraska. UNMC’s academic excellence is shown through its award-winning programs, and its educational programs are responsible for training more health professionals practicing in Nebraska than any other institution. Through its commitment to education, research, patient care and outreach, UNMC and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, have established themselves as one of the country’s leading health care centers. UNMC’s physician practice group, UNMC Physicians, includes 550 physicians in 50 specialties and subspecialties who practice primarily in The Nebraska Medical Center. For more information, go to UNMC’s Web site at www.unmc.edu.


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