SAHP fills two administrative posts

Two new administrative posts have been filled in the UNMC School of Allied Health Professions.

Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., associate dean of the SAHP, announced the new positions last month saying they complete the administrative foundation for the school.

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Anne Constantino

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Pat O’Neil
“Our goal over the past year has been to develop the administrative infrastructure to support the continued growth and advancement of the SAHP,” he said. “The school’s consolidation in Bennett Hall afforded us the opportunity to add these new positions, and we were fortunate to have two very talented individuals join us.”

Anne Constantino, director of admissions and recruitment at SAHP since January 2009, has been named SAHP’s first director of student affairs.

In her expanded role, she:

  • Manages student admissions for the SAHP’s 11 educational programs;
  • Coordinates its marketing and recruitment efforts; and
  • Oversees SAHP student events including orientation, honors convocation and the spring recruitment open house.

Constantino also has been instrumental in the development and implementation of the Nebraska Student Information System (NeSIS) at UNMC.

Pat O’Neil, a four-year employee with UNMC Sponsored Programs Accounting, has been named the SAHP’s first director of finance and administration.

She has more than 25 years of experience in fiscal and human resource management and will serve as the SAHP’s principal financial representative.

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