UNMC seeks to raise $100,000 for Haiti outreach fund

UNMC has set a goal to raise $100,000 for the University of Nebraska Foundation’s UNMC Haitian Relief and Outreach Fund.

The fund — which to this point has raised about $10,000 — supports relief missions such as the one undertaken by 13 medical center volunteers who arrived in Haiti this weekend.

Setting up employee match programs

Businesses interested in setting up matching programs that support the UNMC Haitian Relief and Outreach Fund should contact Karen Levin of the University of Nebraska Foundation at 402-502-4921.

UNMC hopes to send multiple groups of volunteers to assist in Haiti, where a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on Jan. 12 left hundreds of thousands of people dead and wounded.

“We have many outstanding volunteers who want to go to Haiti to help and are even willing to pay their own way to do so,” said Ayman El-Mohandes, M.B.B.Ch., M.D., M.P.H., dean of the College of Public Health and a co-leader of UNMC’s Haitian response activities. “This fund supports their efforts and reduces the personal financial burdens on these amazing people.”

Presently, there is a major need for more bedside nurses to assist with wound care, said Nick Hall, a nurse at UNMC’s hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, who is in Haiti this week. A group of people to be deployed next to meet this need is being organized this week.

There are several ways to donate to the fund, including:

  • Online at http://nufoundation.org/haiti; and
  • Through the mail by sending donations to:

    Omaha Office of the University of Nebraska Foundation

    2285 S. 67th St. Suite 200

    Omaha, NE 68106

The non-profit organization Change that Works will raise money for the fund at two “State of the Union Watch Parties” in Lincoln and Omaha this evening.

The Lincoln party will be held at Zen’s, 122 N. 11th St., and the Omaha party will be held at Clancy’s, 7120 Pacific St. Both parties start at 7:30

Also, a pair of local business have programs to support UNMC’s fund.

Union Pacific (UP) has agreed to match dollar-for-dollar employee contributions to the UNMC fund. Midwest Laboratories has set up a similar program that runs through Friday.

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