Holiday tea warms hearts (inspires poetry)

Seasons greetings UNMC style!

The slideshow above features images from Monday’s Chancellor’s Holiday Tea. Double click on the images to see more information.

In what may be first, the Chancellor’s Holiday Tea this year inspired actual poetry, as evidenced by this offering from UNMC public relations’ resident haiku master, Alex Flagg:

“Oh! Pepperjack cheese …

Cheddar, swiss — without you it’s …

no holiday tea.”

Hundreds turned out Monday for the annual get-together in the Durham Outpatient Center West Atrium.

As per usual, the treats, including gingerbread men that Dr. Maurer called “the world’s best,” filled stomachs and livened spirits.

And aside from the food, attendees also took advantage of the opportunity to catch up with campus colleagues.

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