Nursing food drive helps hungry throughout the state

Donation destinations

Donations were given to:

  • The Omaha Food Bank;
  • Mid-Nebraska Community Food Bank in Kearney;
  • The Lincoln Food Bank; and
  • The Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska Food Pantry in Scottsbluff.

More than 380 pounds of food was collected during the UNMC College of Nursing’s second annual Harvest for Hunger food drive.

The food drive was held Oct. 12-30 with collection points set up at all four College of Nursing divisions (Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney and Scottsbluff).

The event was introduced last year by the college’s General Staff Organization (GSO), as a way to promote camaraderie among faculty, staff and students and uphold the UNMC and College of Nursing missions, said Anja Loftus, co-chair of the GSO. It was held separate from the recent campus food drive.

Response to the food drive has been so enthusiastic among all four divisions that they plan to make it an annual event, Loftus said.

“Here at the College of Nursing, we strive to reach out to the community and make a difference wherever we can and our ‘Harvest for Hunger’ has proven to be another chance for us to do that,” she said.

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