Talkin’ baseball on a Wednesday morning

picture disc.

New York Yankees fans Bill O’Neill, left, and Andrew Nelson, right, have Philadelphia Phillies fan Chuck Brown surrounded. All three are in the public relations department, as is Tom O’Connor, who like O’Neill and Nelson, is an avid Yankees fan. The two teams start play in the 2009 World Series tonight in New York.
The World Series starts tonight, which gives us campus sports fans something to talk about other than why Cody Green still is on the Nebraska bench.

Me, I’m a Philadelphia Phillies fan — or Phan if you will.

I spent six years in the Philadelphia area in the mid to late 1990s, including four in the Air Force. The Phils would let us military types watch games at the old Veterans Stadium for a buck.

We were supposed to sit in cheap seats, but the team was so bad and the stadium so empty, ushers would have us sit by the field so that when television cameras would track home runs leaving the park — usually off the bats of Phillies’ opponents — there would appear to be a crowd at the game.

During this same period, the New York Yankees were on a ridiculous roll that saw them win four world titles in five years. Although separated by only 100 miles of New Jersey Turnpike, the Yankees and Phillies were light years apart.

Your take — Phillies or Yankees?

Hey baseball fans, click on the comments tab above and give us your pick for the World Series.

I nursed a healthy hatred toward the Yankees, who seemed to buy up baseball’s best players and dominate at will.

Fast-forward about a decade — and the impossible happens. The Phillies win their first World Series since 1980. Sweet!

Even sweeter — last week, they advanced to their second-straight Fall Classic.

And who should stand in the way of another parade down Broad Street? The blasted Yankees, of course.

As per usual, the Yanks boast a powerful lineup that features some of the best to ever play the game and a strong pitching rotation.

To make matters worse, somehow, here in my midtown Omaha office, I’m surrounded by three, count’em, three Yankee fans. (How can people root for the Yankees anyway? That’s like rooting for Darth Vader.)

My Phillies are scrappy and they are defending champs, but on paper, they are outclassed.

So as I look ahead at the series, I’m forced to confront reality. The Yankees are too good, too tough and they have great chemistry, therefore, it is with great remorse that I concede that … they will win … ONE GAME!


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  1. haisch says:

    Please- we are bombarded with sports via sports talk shows, e-meda, print, etc. etc. which I listen to/read but enough is enough. Do not need to have more of the same via the UNMC newsletter.

  2. Dan Flaherty says:

    There is no team in all of sports whom I hate worse than the New York Yankees. I hope they get swept and play a miserable World Series. Nothing makes me happier than to see the players and fans left wondering,"But we are supposed to be the best, why didn't we win?"

    The Yankees played 2 teams in the playoffs who would scratch and claw to score runs by small ball and the Yankees would just hit a homerun! Well now the Yankees will be playing a team that can hit just as many HR's as they can. We'll see how they fair when they actually have to be worried about a whole lineup being able to hit one out!

  3. Irving Zucker says:


    Right now the Yankees are the only team in baseball! However, I will give them 6 games. The Phillies should not be underrated.

  4. Patty Mata says:

    Good morning from the Yankees!!! Hate to break it to you – but your team is going down – and fast!!!

  5. Craig Piquette says:

    New York Yankees: Best team money can buy! That's why true baseball fans are counting on the Phils! Sorry, Tom

  6. Kris Hammond says:

    Go Phils!

  7. Andrew Nelson says:

    Those are some good lookin' guys in the picture. The Phillies are good…very good. I saw them at the new Yankee Stadium earlier this year when they took an interleague series from the Bronx Bombers. But that was before the Yankees woke up. Here's how it will happen. The series will end in the 9th inning of Game 7 when Nick Swisher finally breaks through with the Yankees down by one, capping the season in the same fashion they have been winning all year… with a two-run walk-off homer. Go Yankees!!!

  8. Amy says:

    My husband's always been a Yankee fan so I guess I will root for the Yank's. Love the article…keep up the good work!

  9. Anne Lawlor says:


  10. Michael Shambaugh-Miller says:

    Phillies in 6 – Money can't buy love and it can't buy another title either!

  11. Antonia Correa says:

    I'm from Puerto Rico — the "Island of Enchantment", where Roberto Clemente – a Major League Baseball right fielder with Pittsburgh for 18 seasons was born. A place where people have breakfast, lunch, dinner and extras with baseball conversations. Though far for being an expert in this matter, it will not keep me away from saying that I love the Yankees, their stadium and their noisy fans! Go Yankees!!!
    By the way…Yankees in 5.

  12. Tom O'Connor says:

    We have people who can help with your delusions, Chuck. Get out the brooms. I see a sweep coming.

  13. Chuck Brown says:

    Oh come on, Tom. Even I think the Yankees will win one game.

  14. Steve Brown says:

    A little history, as it tends to repeat itself. The 1950 World Series was won by the Yankees over the Phillies, 4 games to 0. The scores 1-0, 2-1, 3-2, and 5-2. The Yankee pitching staff had an ERA of.073. Philadelphia hit a miserable .203 in the series. Yankees, included – Vic Raschi, Allie Reynolds, Eddie Lopat, and the fourth starter, a first time World Seriesplayer Ed "Whitey" Ford, Hank Bauer, Gene Woodling, Phil Rizzuto, Jerry Coleman, Yogi Berra, and my all-time favorite player – Joe DiMaggio. Only two home runs were hit, Joe in the 10th inning of the second game and Yogi in the fourth game. Who could be aginst Yogi?
    Yankees in seven.

  15. Fran Higgins says:

    Nicely written, Chuck. Even though baseball is second only to golf in its ability to bore me to death, your style kept me reading to the end. As for the picture…very nice, but those Yanks look awful serious. 🙂

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