UNMC receives 4.5 percent budget increase

picture disc.The University of Nebraska Board of Regents has set UNMC’s total 2009-10 revenue and expense budget at $534.7 million, an increase of 4.5 percent over the previous year.

Most of the growth was funded by new revenues that are dedicated to specific purposes and are not available for general salaries and operations.

Examples of this new funding include:

  • The College of Nursing — Norfolk Division;
  • LB 603A Behavioral Health;
  • New building operations for the Colleges of Public Health and the College of Nursing; and
  • Special tuition increases that will fund additional faculty and improve educational programs in the colleges of dentistry, nursing and pharmacy and in the School of Allied Health Professions.

The top graph on the right shows UNMC’s major revenue categories.

UNMC receives 24 percent of its funds from the state’s General Fund and generates the rest of its revenue from tuition, fees, patient revenue, federal grants, other gifts, grants and contracts and auxiliary services.

The bottom graph shows how UNMC’s expenditures support its mission of instruction, research, service and outreach and the many mission-critical support services.

View more about UNMC’s budget as well as the budget for the University of Nebraska System.

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