HIV expert to present monthly CTR seminar today

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Charles Wood, Ph.D.
Perinatal transmission of HIV-1 in sub-Saharan Africa will be the focus of the monthly Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) Seminar today at noon in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.

The presentation will feature Charles Wood, Ph.D., director of the Nebraska Center for Virology in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Biological Sciences.

CTR seminars are held the third Monday of each month. The CTR series brings clinical and basic science investigators together to identify new ways to collaborate and answer important clinical questions.

The seminar will be recorded and available for investigators who cannot attend.

It also will be televised at the following sites:

  • College of Dentistry in Lincoln, Room 52;
  • College of Nursing in Lincoln, Room 307;
  • College of Nursing in Scottsbluff, Panhandle Station Room 203;
  • College of Nursing in Kearney, CMCT 216; and
  • College of Nursing in Omaha, Room 4078.

On Oct. 19, Robin Miskimins, Ph.D., professor and director of faculty and research development at the University of South Dakota, will present “Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis” at noon in the Eppley Science Hall Amphetheater.

Visit the CTR Web site to learn more about this and future CTR seminars.

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