Lookin’ at U – Liliana Bronner

picture disc.Quick, think of five things others should know about you.

That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.”

Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee or student to feature.

This week, we feature Liliana Bronner, interim director of the College of Public Health’s Rural Education Network.

Here, in her own words, are five fun facts about Liliana:

picture disc.

Liliana Bronner

  • I was born and raised in South America. In 1990, I moved to Florida and learned that not everyone was multilingual (I speak five languages). I finished high school and went to college in Florida.

  • I moved to Nebraska a little more than six years ago. I came to UNMC to finish an administrative residency for a health services administration graduate program. I’ve stayed in Nebraska ever since — I love it here!

  • I enjoy road trips and edu-vacations! I have participated in the Nebraska Ag Adventure Tour since 2003. Next year’s trip is July 16-17; we will explore central Nebraska!

  • I am not afraid to try new foods. Two of the strangest things I have sampled are alligator and snake.

  • My husband and I had a long distance relationship before we married.

Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.

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