UNMC launches new brand

picture disc.UNMC unveiled its new brand today during a ceremony on campus.

Through the new brand – which is the result of a yearlong process that began with research and input from thousands of faculty, staff, students and community stakeholders — UNMC will tell its story in a more dynamic way.

What the secondary icon means

UNMC’s new secondary icon, shown above, was designed to reflect UNMC on multiple levels. Below is the symbolism behind the icon’s design.

  • The four lines that compose the icon represent the pillars of UNMC’s mission — education, research, patient care and outreach.
  • The upward slope of the lines symbolizes the growth of UNMC and mimics the physical contours of the twin Durham Research Centers.
  • The movement of the right lines represents UNMC’s momentum
  • The way the two sets of lines come together is meant to emulate the shield of UNMC’s hospital partner — The Nebraska Medical Center.
  • The icon is loosely shaped as both a ‘U’ — for university — and a ‘V’ for the medical center’s vitality.

For more information about UNMC’s branding initiative, visit the branding blog.

“While we have made much progress in transforming our identity on our campus, we must now work together to do the same with our external identity — our brand — on our campuses and communities throughout the state and beyond,” said UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D.

The brand is the public image UNMC presents and every member of the medical center family represents the brand in the way he or she works and interacts with others, he said.

The brand is reinforced, Dr. Maurer said, by signs, advertising and publications. As such, UNMC has unveiled its new secondary icon (see above), enacted a Web site redesign and installed new signage and pole banners around the campus.

Celebrations similar to the one held today in Omaha will take place at UNMC’s Lincoln, Kearney and Scottsbluff campuses.

The College of Dentistry in Lincoln and the College of Nursing Scottsbluff division will celebrate the brand launch on Aug. 21. The College of Nursing Kearney division celebration is set for Aug. 24, followed by the College of Nursing Lincoln division on Aug. 31.

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