Think Green — a new ‘green’ campus directory

picture disc.The familiar green UNMC Phone Directory has truly “gone green.”

In collaboration with Information Technology Services, a more robust online phone directory is now available to employees.

“UNMC has been active in recycling for many years. In an effort to continue reducing paper consumption, the new online phone directory provides more complete information to employees without printing,” said Rick Boldt co-chairman of UNMC’s Sustainability Team. “Over the years, printing of the directory has been reduced from more than 6,000 to 4,000 last year and we hope to significantly reduce that again this year.”

Features of the new online directory include:

  • Similar formatting and full content of the printed directory;
  • Combined individual listing for UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians employees;
  • Searchable individual and departmental listings;
  • Links to departmental Web pages in the departmental listings;
  • Dynamic updating of individual listings, departmental listing, notaries, zip codes and academic calendar;
  • Up-to-date emergency and safety information, which is critical to ensure appropriate procedures are followed in emergency situations;
  • Interactive campus map; and
  • Easy to find links to other directories such as the University 4-in-1, Qwest Online and the University of Nebraska Foundation.

Printed copy information

If you must print, employees will soon be able to go to the UNMC Printing Services Web site and request a printed copy. The printed copies will be 8 ½ inches by 11 inches and the cost will vary depending upon the number requested, sections printed and binding option selected.

This function will be available mid- to late-August with more information to come.

Employees are reminded that the online version will be updated as needed and the printed version only updated annually.

The online directory will help the medical center keep safety and emergency information up-to-date, said John Hauser, campus safety officer and co-chairman of UNMC’s Sustainability team.

“I’ve noticed green directories with safety and emergency information that is three or four years old because the directory contents have not been updated,” Hauser said. “The online directory will enable this information to be updated as needed and be readily available to employees.”

Employees are asked to discontinue use of the current green binder directory and place contents in blue recycle containers. The green binders can be used for another purpose or placed in the regular trash.

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