Fogarty-fellowship recipient Beecham’s blog up and running

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Brady Beecham

Brady Beecham, a UNMC M.D./Ph.D. student who is the first UNMC student to receive the Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship, has started a blog about her fellowship experience.

The National Institutes of Health sponsors the fellowship and will provide Beecham $25,000 to study for a year in South Africa, where she will conduct HIV/AIDS research with African scienist Quarrisha Abdool Karim, Ph.D.

Beecham is one of just 28 students from around the country to receive the fellowship, which allows recipients to study with top NIH researchers who work in developing countries.

The fellowship includes a strong mentorship component and Beecham — whose Ph.D. emphasis will be in HIV/AIDS epidemiology — is particularly excited to work closely with Dr. Abdool Karim.

While in South Africa, Beecham will conduct epidemiology work and also assist with clinical trials.

Beecham will leave for South Africa later this month. She currently is in Bethesda, Md., for training related to the fellowship.

UNMC Today will post notices when Beecham provides blog updates.

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