Clothing drive to benefit needy on reservations, in Omaha

UNMC Business and Finance, along with Mike Cieciorka of UNMC Physicians and Nicki Simmons and students from the School of Allied Health Physicians Assistant Program, have announced this year’s “Spring Cleaning 2nd Annual Winter Clothing and Blanket Drive.”

The drive benefit people on the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Santee, Winnebago, and Omaha Indian reservations, and also for the needy here in Omaha.

Drive organizers ask for gently used winter coats, hats mittens, hooded sweatshirts, blankets and quilts for all ages.

Click here to see more about the drive, including campus locations to drop-off gently-used goods.

Those who’d like to facilitate a drop-off spot should contact Jacque-Llyn Wright at 559-5338.

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