For the past five years, UNMC has worked with The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Physicians to develop plans specifically for a pandemic. The Nebraska Public Health laboratory is based at UNMC, under the direction of Steve Hinrichs, M.D., and the hospital has a specialized 10-bed isolation unit, the largest in the nation.
“From day one, our goals have been to ensure the safety of our employees and relay the importance of being prepared as a campus and as an individual or family,” said Deb Thomas, associate vice chancellor for finance and business services. “We have a plan in place and will remain vigilant as the situation evolves.”
UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., too, encouraged employees to stay informed of the situation and take everyday actions to stay healthy.
“As a campus, we are well prepared to support the hospital, clinics and the public health laboratory as they are called to respond to the H1N1 virus,” Dr. Maurer said. “Meanwhile, our best course of action is to remain calm, be watchful, have our families prepared for whatever course this virus takes and pay attention to the alerts from Nebraska Health and Human Services.”
In light of the H1N1 virus and tornado season, it is advantageous for employees to have a family emergency plan in place as a precaution, said John Hauser, UNMC’s safety manager.
This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies. Click here to see a disaster preparation guide that UNMC designed to confront pandemic and other events.
To limit possible exposure and transmission, Hauser encouraged employees to wash their hands, cough into their sleeves and self-isolate if flu symptoms arise.
One of the final precautions, Thomas said, has been the purchase of personal protective equipment for UNMC employees who are part of the Incident Command Center or those who likely would have contact with ill patients, such as UNMC Security and Facilities Management and Planning personnel. Those individuals now are being fit tested with all-purpose respirators.
The hospital and clinics are providing personal protective equipment for clinical staff, Thomas said. Other units that need or want to purchase half face respirators should contact Thomas.
The plan also has defined levels of response, based on the World Health Organization pandemic levels. The Incident Command group for UNMC, the hospital and UNMC Physicians has reviewed its plans for implementation.
Click here for more information on the H1N1 virus.