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Nursing students help raise awarenss about STD testing

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Students from the UNMC College of Nursing helped raise awareness and provide STD testing on April 17 at the Charles Drew Health Center.

The students’ participation was part of Public Health Week, an initiative of the Charles Drew Health Center, Douglas County Health Department and UNMC College of Nursing.

“Improving access to STD testing reduces birth defects and in turn reduces low birth weight infants,” said Sharon Baker, UNMC College of Nursing instructor.

“We can’t afford to only solve one piece of the larger puzzle. By working together, we can foster awareness of the importance of all aspects of public health to our community and to our nation,” she said.

Pictured above at the event are, front row from left, Heather Boes, Carrie Wiegert, both fourth-year UNMC College of Nursing students, and Melvin Muhammad, a health educator at Charles Drew Health Center; back row from left, Dori Hoppes, Laura Derby, Jasmine Woods, Brooke Tekolste and Shaelee Skoog, all fourth-year nursing students.

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