Lookin’ at U — Christy Williams

picture disc.Quick, think of five things others should know about you.

That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.”

Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee or student to feature.

This week, we feature Christy Williams, an administrative associate in Munroe-Meyer Institute Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

picture disc.

Christy Williams

Here, in her own words, are five fun facts about Christy:

  • I am an avid Chicago Cubs fan. Every year for the past 11 years, my mother, sister, cousin and I do a road trip to Chicago and catch two games. We took our husbands the first year but decided it was our “girl thing” and haven’t taken them since.

  • I was at the summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea in 1988. It is a wonderful feeling to see your flag raised and your national anthem played while living in a foreign country.

  • I bought my first and only house in Papillion by fax from Heidelberg, Germany, having only seen a picture.

  • My grandsons think I am the “bomb” because we go fishing, camping and I go to all their basketball and baseball games. I’m grooming them to be Chicago Cubs someday so grandma can have free tickets.

  • I had my cell phone for two months before I actually turned it on. I am finally able to send a text but it takes me forever and it’s not worth my time. I am going to broaden my horizons and get on Facebook in the near future.

Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.

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