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Think Green — Turn computers off at night, reduce energy costs

picture disc.UNMC Information Technology Services has set up a patch push system for computer updates that will allow employees to turn their computers off all but six nights out of each month.

Previously employees had to leave their computers on when they left work every night to facilitate updates.

The new system will require UNMC employees to leave their computers running only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the first and third weeks of each month.

The computer will automatically upload the patch the next time it is turned on if you fail to leave it on during a patch push night.

“This is a way employees can help significantly reduce energy use and costs on campus.”

John Hauser

That means employees can turn their machines off when they leave work during the other nights of the month.

“This equates to turning the computer off approximately 293 days out of the year,” said John Hauser, co-chairman of UNMC’s sustainability committee. “This is a way employees can help significantly reduce energy use and cost on campus.”

At today’s electrical rates, it costs about $112 per year to leave a computer on 24-hours-a-day.

“By shutting down the computer overnight except for the patch push days, we can reduce these costs by 50 percent,” Hauser said. “Multiply that by the 4,000 computers on campus and it really adds up.”

Hauser also reminded employees they can turn their monitors off every night, including those when they leave their computers on for the ITS patch.

UNMC employees will next need to leave their computers on overnight on April 14, 15 and 16.

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