Dizziness in older adults to be topic of free April 14 seminar in 10 Nebraska cities


Dizziness in older adults will be the topic of a free April 14 statewide education seminar sponsored by the Nebraska Geriatric Education Center. The seminar is open to health care professionals and others interested in geriatrics.
The conference, scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. (CDT), will be broadcast live from the University of Nebraska Medical Center Durham Research Center to 10 cities across Nebraska: Ainsworth, Chadron, Cozad, Hastings, Kearney, Lincoln, Norfolk, Ord, Pender and Scottsbluff.
The conference is part one of a two-part series and provides a foundation of information on approaches to dizziness from medical and pharmacological perspectives. The second part of thes series, to be scheduled in the next year, will focus on the prevention and rehabilitation perspectives of care.
The Nebraska Geriatric Education Center is a consortium made up of UNMC, the Nebraska Health Care Association and the Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center. The seminar, which is also sponsored by the UNMC Center for Continuing Education and the Nebraska Physical Therapy Association, is made possible by support of a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions.
Presenters at the seminar will be William Lyons, M.D., geriatrician and assistant professor, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, and Linda Farho, Pharm.D., assistant professor in the UNMC College of Pharmacy.
“Dizziness among older adults is a big problem because it can result in falls, broken bones and potential disability,” Dr. Lyons said. “It’s challenging for health care professionals because of the difficulty in diagnosing its underlying cause or causes. It’s important that health care professionals work together to collectively optimize care for individuals with dizziness.”
Pre-registration is not required. Registration will take place onsite. Continuing education credit will be available for most professions for $10.
The seminar will be broadcast via the Nebraska Telehealth Network to the below locations.
AinsworthBrown County Hospital, 945 East Zero, Teleconference Room
ChadronChadron Community Hospital, 821 Morehead, Teleconference Room
CozadCozad Community Hospital, 300 East 12th, Conference Room
HastingsMary Lanning Memorial Hospital, 715 North St. Joseph Ave., Classroom D
KearneyGood Samaritan Hospital, 10 East 31st St, 2nd Floor Conference Center, Room D
Lincoln — VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, 600 S. 70th St., Auditorium, 1st Floor (enter from north parking lot) and St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center, 555 S. 70th St, Bonzel Conference Room
NorfolkFaith Regional Health Services, 2700 W. Norfolk Ave., Nebraska Rooms
OrdValley County Hospital, 217 Westridge Drive, Specialty Clinic Room #3
PenderPender Community Hospital, 603 Earl St., Hospital Conference Room
ScottsbluffRegional West Medical Center, 4021 Avenue B, Monument Room
For more information about the seminar, contact Joan Husted in the UNMC Center for Continuing Education, jhusted@unmc.edu or (402) 559-6235. For more information about other Nebraska Geriatric Education Center educational opportunities, please visit www.unmc.edu/nebgec/, or e-mail gec@unmc.edu, or call 402-559-8421.
UNMC is the only public health science center in the state. Its educational programs are responsible for training more health professionals practicing in Nebraska than any other institution. Through their commitment to education, research, patient care and outreach, UNMC and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, have established themselves as one of the country’s leading centers in cancer, transplantation biology, bioterrorism preparedness, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, genetics, biomedical technology and ophthalmology. UNMC’s research funding from external sources now exceeds $82 million annually and has resulted in the creation of more than 2,400 highly skilled jobs in the state. UNMC’s physician practice group, UNMC Physicians, includes 513 physicians in 50 specialties and subspecialties who practice primarily in The Nebraska Medical Center. For more information, go to UNMC’s Web site at www.unmc.edu.


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