Lookin’ at U – Don Herbst

picture disc.Quick, think of five things others should know about you.

That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.”

Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee or student to feature.

This week, we feature Don Herbst, clinical/business operations manager for hospital dentistry in the College of Dentistry.

picture disc.

Don Herbst

Here, in his own words, are five fun facts about Don:

  • I am an avid Tony Stewart (NASCAR) fan;

  • I’ve also been a “Green Bay Packer Backer” my entire life;

  • I’m a 22-year veteran of the United States Air Force. I would serve again in a heartbeat.

  • I keep an old USA cap in my office given to me by a very special person. This is my daily reminder and inspiration of the privilege we have of being in this country. This person survived the Holocaust, was smuggled into the United States, could not have children, lost his beloved wife to cancer, and, before he died, said, “God has given me a great life.”

  • I recently became a first-time grandfather. What a great gift!

Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.

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