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I Love UNMC — We’re talking real prizes people!

picture disc.So we’re about a week away from the first random prize drawing of the “I Love UNMC” video campaign and we have exactly two videos submitted to this point.

We also have seven prize packages to give away during the drawing, which means — if the current numbers hold up — our two submitters are going to take home three prize packages each and then thumb wrestle for the last one.

Track the contest

To watch the latest video submissions and vote on your favorites, become a fan or subscriber to UNMC’s social media pages:

For YouTube, click here.

For MySpace, click here.

For Facebook, click here or visit Facebook.com and search for “University of Nebraska Medical Center.”

KIDDING! The odds of that happening are about as good as me writing an entire story without making a bad joke or three.

The odds are pretty good, however, for you and your colleagues to take home prizes if you submit videos — any videos — for the contest.

And when I’m talking prizes, here’s what I mean:

  • A romance package that includes one overnight stay at the Cornerstone Mansion Inn and two tickets to the Bebe Neuwirth performance at the Holland Performing Arts Center on April 17. This is provided compliments of Omaha Performing Arts.
  • A UNO Maverick hockey package that includes four club seat tickets for UNO vs. Miami (Ohio) on Jan. 24 and four $10 gift certificates to Mama’s Pizza.
  • Ten lunches at Tiger Tom’s Pub.
  • Seven Don & Millie’s free combo meals.
  • Two $20 gift certificates to the CornerStone hospital gift shop.
  • Six $5 gift certificates to Valentino’s.
  • One $25 gift certificate to the UNMC Bookstore.

As we’ve noted before — we’re not looking for professional videos (although, we’ll take them). We also don’t need anything long. We’ll take short snippets from your cell phones or your digital cameras.

The point is to tell us on video what you love about UNMC. Be creative, have fun and don’t think too hard about it. We know you have real work to do, so feel free to make it quick.

But when you get a second or two between now and 11:59 p.m. on Monday, break out your camera or your cell phone, shoot a quick video, download it on your computer, then go to this site and submit it to the contest.

And when you’re sitting at that hockey game on Jan. 24 or in Don & Millie’s eating lunch with some co-workers, you’ll think to yourself, “Now that was pretty easy, wasn’t it.”

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