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Investigators’ resourcefulness impresses Sen. Lautenbaugh

picture disc.

State Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh takes a look at one of the patient simulators during his visit to the Sorrell Center Clinical Skills Center on Thursday.

State Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh left impressed by the resourcefulness of UNMC investigators following his tour of the medical center campus on Thursday.

“I enjoyed hearing how the researchers approached their work,” Lautenbaugh said. “They are very forward thinking and competitive in how they go about their research. They really work hard to get everything they can out of the resources they have.”

During his visit to UNMC, Lautenbaugh met with university leaders including Bob Bartee, vice chancellor for external affairs; Ron Withem, NU’s associate vice president for university affairs and director of governmental relations; and Bill Swanson, assistant to the vice chancellor of outreach at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Lautenbaugh also took a tour of the campus that included a stop at the Durham Research Center to visit the laboratory of Diane Allen-Gipson, Ph.D., assistant professor in the section of pulmonary, critical care, sleep and allergy medicine, and a visit to the clinical skills center in the Michael F. Sorrell Center for Health Sciences Education.

“I had no idea what really goes on inside all those buildings. It really is amazing.”

Scott Lautenbaugh

Lautenbaugh — who represents Blair, Fort Calhoun and portions of northwest Omaha as the senator from Nebraska Legislative District 18 – said the tour let him get a real grasp on what happens at the UNMC campus.

“I had no idea what really goes on inside all those big buildings,” Lautenbaugh said. “It really is amazing.”

Bartee thanked Lautenbaugh for visiting the campus.

“We are proud of the work done at UNMC and enjoy the opportunity to share this information with our visitors,” Bartee said. “I was glad hear Sen. Lautenbaugh was impressed by what he saw here.”

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