The Red Cross needs your help!
About 50 donation slots remain open for those who would like to give blood during a blood drive on campus on Thursday. UNMC students and faculty are welcome to give during the drive, which will be held in Wittson Hall, Room 3010, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The goal for this drive is 70 pints of blood and Red Cross officials say they are quite a ways from having enough donors to fill that need.
The drive is sponsored by the UNMC Student Senate and is being held in recognition of September being National Preparedness Month (and prime hurricane season).
The Red Cross needs eligible donors to participate and help shore up the blood supply and ensure that the Red Cross continues to be prepared for every patient emergency, locally and throughout the country.
Those who donated during the July 2 drive at The Nebraska Medical Center are eligible to give during Thursday’s drive. Those who cannot give during Thursday’s drive will have another opportunity to donate on Oct. 6 in the Center for Healthy Living.
Medical facilities, including UNMC’s hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, depend on donated blood to conduct surgeries, transfusions and other treatments.
The Red Cross has an electronic scheduling system that will be used for this drive. Those wishing to donate can schedule appointments for the drive at
Participants can find the UNMC drive by first clicking on our region and then entering the UNMC Student Senate drive sponsor code — which is 2223 — or by entering an Omaha ZIP code (68198) and scrolling down to the UNMC drive on Sept. 4.