A video podcast featuring four UNMC physicians who took part in a writing workshop earlier this year has been posted online. Click here to watch the podcast, which features UNMC’s Lloyd Holm, D.O., Debra Reilly, M.D., Molly O’Dell, M.D., and Bud Shaw, M.D.
The reading was the culmination of phase one of a project led by Omaha poet and UNMC Ph.D. student Steve Langan, during which seven UNMC physicians paired with seven Omaha-area writers for a workshop experience.
The readings featured in the podcast are from works the doctors and writers created while participating in the project — which Langan dubbed “The Seven Doctors Project.”
“It was exciting for me to listen to the participants read their work in a public forum,” Langan said. “It was obvious that all of the writers involved had worked very hard to revise and improve their work.”
Langan wanted to see if the participating doctors found the writing beneficial on both personal and professional levels.
He also hoped the workshops would help the doctors and the writers produce pieces worthy of publication.
The other UNMC physicians who participated in the project were William Lyons, M.D., James Sorrell, M.D., and Greg Bociek, M.D.
The seven writers were Lindsey Baker, Mark Scott, Ph.D., Todd Robinson, Ph.D., Rebecca Rotert, Chuck Brown, Denise Brady and Mike Sterba.