Quick, think of five things others should know about you.
That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.”
Each Thursday, we will randomly select a medical center employee to feature.

Judy Huey
This week, we feature Judy Huey, an office assistant in the transplant data office.
Here, in her own words, are five fun facts about Judy:
have a big family — four brothers, two sisters, thirteen nieces and nephews (14 on the way) and I just became a great aunt in January.
One of my greatest joys was traveling to China last fall to see where my parents and relatives lived and grew up.
I enjoy going to musicals, plays, concerts and most of all to arts and craft shows.
I love the outdoors, cycling, gardening and doing little landscaping projects around the house.
Most importantly, I enjoy staying active, working out and taking my Juice Plus to stay healthy and fit.
Read UNMC Today next Thursday to see who is featured in the next Lookin’ at U article. Who knows — it could be U.