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Irving Zucker, Ph.D., named UNMC scientist laureate; event March 20 to recognize outstanding researchers

Irving Zucker, Ph.D., has been named the second UNMC Scientist Laureate for his outstanding research into heart failure. The award is the highest recognition given to a UNMC scientist.
Dr. Zucker was honored along with 26 other researchers who recently were named UNMC Distinguished Scientist and New Investigator award winners for 2007. The scientists are recognized leaders in their fields and represent all UNMC colleges, as well as the Eppley Institute.
Both the 2007 Distinguished Scientists and New Investigators receive a merit-based salary supplement of $10,000. Dr. Zucker will receive a $20,000 supplement for being named scientist laureate. UNMC will host an event on March 20 to publicly recognize each honoree’s research accomplishments.
"These scientists rank among the world’s best in their respective areas," said Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D., vice chancellor for research at UNMC. "The process of selection of these awardees includes a thorough analysis of all of the candidates, objectively comparing their publication quality and impact, and their history of successful competition for extramural funding.
"As it was last year, the competition for these awards was intense, and I continue to be impressed by the corps of excellent researchers who work here at UNMC. Among this distinguished company, Dr. Zucker stands out. There are few scientists anywhere with his long record of outstanding achievement. He is recognized around the world, not only for the impact of his original work, but for his ability to nurture and inspire younger scientists. UNMC is truly fortunate to have been able to enjoy the benefit of Irv Zucker’s contributions for 30 years."
The Distinguished Scientist award is sponsored by the chancellor and recognizes UNMC researchers who have been among the most productive scientists in the country over the past five years.
The award recipients were selected by a panel composed of all UNMC deans and directors, as well as the office of the vice chancellor for research.
Criteria for the award include the researcher’s history of leading an outstanding research program, publishing research results in journals of the highest quality, and showing the ability to attract and retain extramural funding.
This year’s competition differed from last year in that administrators and department chairs were allowed to compete.
This is the first year for the New Investigator awards, which are given to outstanding UNMC scientists who in the past 1 to 3 years have secured their first federal funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense or other federal sources.
The New Investigator award recipients also had to demonstrate scholarly activity such as publishing their research and/or presenting their findings at national conventions and gatherings.
Dr. Zucker, professor and chairman of the cellular and integrative physiology department in the UNMC College of Medicine, joined the medical center in 1973. He received his bachelor’s degree from the City College of New York in 1965, his master’s degree from the University of Missouri at Kansas City in 1967 and his Ph.D. from New York Medical College in 1972.
Dr. Zucker is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Physiology Society, of which he will start a term as president later this year. The first UNMC Scientist Laureate award was given in 2006 to Stephen Rennard, M.D., Larson Professor of Medicine in pulmonary and critical care in internal medicine and courtesy professor of pathology and microbiology.
The 2007 Distinguished Scientist and New Investigator award winners are (* denotes New Investigator award recipient):
College of Dentistry
·                     Keith Johnson, Ph.D. James Wahl, Ph.D.*
College of Nursing
·                     Sarah Thompson, Ph.D.*
·                     Lani Zimmerman, Ph.D.
College of Pharmacy
·                     Tatiana Bronich, Ph.D.*
·                     Serguei Vinogradov, Ph.D.
College of Public Health
·                     James Anderson, Ph.D.
College of Medicine
·                     Iqbal Ahmad, Ph.D.
·                     Steven Caplan, Ph.D.*
·                     Howard Gendelman, M.D.
·                     Lynell Klassen, M.D.
·                     Chris Kratochvil, M.D.
·                     Runqing Lu, M.D., Ph.D. *
·                     Ted Mikuls, M.D.*
·                     James O’Dell, M.D.
·                     Kaushik Patel, Ph.D.
·                     Yuri Persidsky, M.D., Ph.D.
·                     Deborah Romberger, M.D.*
·                     Shyamal Roy, Ph.D.
·                     Joe Sisson, M.D.
·                     Wei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
·                     Irving Zucker, Ph.D. (Scientist Laureate)
Eppley Institute
·                     Gloria Borgstahl, Ph.D.
·                     Ercole Cavalieri, D.Sc.
·                     Oksana Lockridge, Ph.D.
·                     A. "Angie" Rizzino, Ph.D.
·                     Eleanor Rogan, Ph.D.
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