Million-step Monday — resolutions continued

Alright folks, you get one more week to submit your New Year’s Resolutions to be published.

For those of you looking for motivational tactics that will help you stick to those New Year’s promises – send them in and we’ll publish them for all to see.

Just send a note describing your resolution to by 5 p.m. on Thursday and we’ll run it in next Monday’s Million Step Monday story.

Here’s a tip — take it easy.

Make a resolution to consciously do something nice for someone each day – just one thing. Resolve to use one extra flight of stairs a day. Decide that in 2008, you’re going to eat one salad each week.

And resolutions don’t have to be gloomy. Let’s just say you resolve to, well, have more fun, or see more movies, or listen to more music. You get the drift.
So let us know, what do YOU want to do in 2008?

The following is a list of UNMC employees who have recently reached one of the 250,000-step markers in the 1 Million Step Challenge. Send an e-mail to with your name, department and tell us what step milestone you reached and we’ll post it on the list.

1 million steps

  • Rita Anne Haverman, orthopaedic services
  • Linda Johnson, information technology services
  • Susan Siebler, orthopaedic surgery

2 million steps

  • Keith Mueller, Ph.D., College of Public Health