As the big ball drops tonight, countless people will be contemplating plans to improve their lives in 2008.
Starting tomorrow, gym memberships will spike as people sign up with stern dedication to start exercising and drop some extra weight. Others will vow to quit smoking or work a little less. Some might even vow to walk a few more steps each day.
Anyway, we’ve all heard how many New Year’s Resolutions often last about as long as a snowman in June.
So, for those of you who are going to make a resolution and are looking for motivational tactics that will allow you hold to those promises, here’s a thought — document them for all to see.
That’s right, send a note describing your resolution to today@unmc.edu, we’ll publish it and it can then be found forever in the UNMC Today archives.
What this creates is the opportunity for a little helpful, albeit pesky, peer pressure.
The next time you find yourself heading to the office donut bin in a weak moment, your co-workers can simply pull up your resolution on a computer and remind you that you vowed to the entire campus that you were going to avoid eating donuts on Friday mornings in 2008.
Or maybe, you’ll be able to remind that co-worker who is about to use an elevator that he or she resolved to use the stairs for the year.
The deadline for resolution submission is Thursday, Jan. 18. The resolutions will be published in the Jan. 21 Million-step Monday story.
UNMC employees who have recently reached a 250,000-step markers in the 1 Million Step Challenge can have their accomplishments published in UNMC Today by sending an e-mail to today@unmc.edu with their names, departments and step milestones reached.