Million-step Monday – SAHP’s Latshaw wins October Gold Shoe

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Sandra Latshaw

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Julie Carstens

With 452,000 steps under her belt in October, Sandra Latshaw, assistant professor and curriculum coordinator for the clinical laboratory science program in the School of Allied Health Professions, was the first winner of the Gold Shoe Award.

Latshaw edged out Julie Carstens of the Munroe-Meyer Institute, who received the Silver Shoe for October by walking 444,401 steps during the month. You might remember that Carstens was one of the first UNMC employees to log 1 million steps.

Latshaw said she sets a daily goal of walking 10,000 steps and then adds other exercises such as weights, yoga and cycling to her fitness regimen.

“I like to mix it up so it doesn’t get boring and I work a variety of different muscles,” Latshaw said.

Since the challenge started, Latshaw has logged more that 2.25 million steps and she said she wants to walk 5 million steps before the challenge ends.

Those looking to win the November Gold Shoe should submit their monthly step totals to by Monday, Dec. 3. The next Gold and Silver Shoe winners will be announced on Monday, Dec. 10.

The following is a list of UNMC employees who have recently reached one of the 250,000-step markers in the 1 Million Step Challenge. Send an e-mail to with your name, department and tell us what step milestone you reached and we’ll post it on the list.

750,000 steps

  • Craig Poole, sponsored programs accounting

1 million steps

  • Laura Bashus, College of Public Health

1.5 million steps

  • Steve Byrne, sponsored programs accounting
  • Patricia O’Neil, sponsored programs accounting

2 million steps

  • Robin Zagurski, psychiatry