UNMC, 28 communities across Nebraska to present free Mini-Medical School Oct. 16, 25, 30 on type 2 diabetes

The University of Nebraska Medical Center and co-sponsors in 28 communities across Nebraska invite the public to participate in UNMC Mini-Medical School, a free health education series titled, “Type 2 Diabetes: A Spreading Epidemic. The series, which will be held Oct. 16, 25 and 30, will focus on type 2 diabetes – the disease, who’s at risk, treatment options and new therapies in development.
The series will be broadcast live from the UNMC Durham Research Center in Omaha, via satellite to: Alma, Atkinson, Broken Bow, Chadron, Columbus, Grand Island, Hastings, Holdrege, Imperial, Kearney, Lexington, Lincoln, Lynch, McCook, Neligh, Norfolk, North Platte, O’Neill, Pender, Red Cloud, Rushville, Scottsbluff, Sidney, Tecumseh, Valentine, Wayne and West Point.
In addition to the presentation being available in the Durham Research Center Suzanne & Walter Scott Auditorium, Emile St. & Durham Research Plaza, it will be broadcast live to Clarkson West Medical Center, 2727 S. 144th St., Suite 200, and Metro Community College Fort Omaha Campus, 30th & Fort, Building 10, Room 110.
On Oct. 16, the series will be held from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. (central time). On Oct. 25 and 30, it will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (central time).
Free health screenings will be held 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Omaha at the Durham Research Center. The UNMC College of Nursing Mobile Nursing Center will provide free height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure and blood sugar screenings. Cholesterol screenings are available for $10. Those planning to have screenings should indicate so when they register.
Anyone with the satellite downlink capability can tune into the series on Nebraska Satellite System 2, Channel 106.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. With type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or ignores the insulin. When glucose builds up in the blood, it can cause high blood glucose levels that affect the eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.
Of the more than 20 million Americans who have diabetes, type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90 percent. Many people with the disease don’t know they have it. Being overweight is one of the primary causes of type 2 diabetes. Less than half of American adults are at a healthy weight, and about one-third are obese.
“Chronic diseases and conditions related to weight are major concerns in our country today,” said Jennifer Larsen, M.D., professor and chief, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism and director of the UNMC Clinical Research Center. “Type 2 diabetes and obesity go hand-in-hand, and they’re reaching epidemic proportions worldwide.”
In nearly every developed society, diabetes is ranked among the leading causes of blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputation. It can even be fatal. Over 200,000 people die each year of diabetes-related complications.
Although there is no cure for the disease, health care professionals and researchers are making strides. Experts know there is a connection between type 2 diabetes and genetic make-up, age, and even race. They’re looking at ways to prevent obesity, and potentially type 2 diabetes.
Below are session titles and content.
Tuesday, Oct. 16: “Millions Have It, Do You?” will focus on an overview of the disease and its risks. “UNMC Research Update,” Thomas Rosenquist, Ph.D., vice chancellor for research and professor, genetics, cell biology and anatomy; “Weighing the Risks,” Amy Neumeister, M.D., assistant professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism; “Sugar High, Sugar Low, Where Does All the Glucose Go?” Frederick Hamel, Ph.D., professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism; and “Know the Numbers” will be presented by James Lane, M.D., associate professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism and medical director of the Nebraska Medical Center Diabetes Center.
Thursday, Oct. 25: “Heavy Effects,” will focus on untreated or inappropriately treated diabetes and the consequences, such as kidney failure, blindness and stroke. “At the Heart of the Matter,” Jennifer Larsen, M.D., professor and chief, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism and director of the UNMC Clinical Research Center; “More Than Meets the Eye,” Eyal Margalit, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor, ophthalmology & visual sciences and director of the UNMC Retina Service; “A Lot to Lose,” Gerald Groggel, M.D., professor and chief, section of nephrology.
Tuesday, Oct. 30: “Take Control,” will focus on ways to manage or prevent type 2 diabetes. Learn about the latest research, treatments and strategies. “Weighing In…,” Whitney Goldner, M.D., assistant professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism; “An Ounce of Prevention,” Cyrus Desouza, assistant professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism; “Scaling Back,” Lynn Mack-Shipman, M.D., associate professor, section of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism.
To register, go online at www.unmc.edu/minimed, or call toll free, (877) 852-0013. In the Omaha area, call (402) 559-2900.
While the program is free, nurses can earn continuing education contact hours for $40. Participants must indicate at registration which site they will attend. Contact hours will be credited for each session attended. The UNMC College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Below are the sites hosting UNMC Mini-Medical School.
Alma — Harlan County Health System Conference Room, 717 N. Brown St.
Atkinson — West Holt Memorial Hospital, 406 W. Neely St.
Broken Bow — Jennie M. Melham Memorial Medical Center, Telemedicine Rooms, 145 Memorial Dr. Limited space available.
Chadron — Chadron State College, Student Center, Scottsbluff Room, 1000 Main St.
Columbus — Central Community College – Columbus North Education Center, Room #911, 4500 63rd St.
Grand Island — Central Nebraska AHEC at College Park, Room #305, 3180 W. Hwy 34
Hastings — Central Community College, Platte Building, Room #132, East Hwy 6
Holdrege — Central Community College, Holdrege Center, Phelps County Ag Center, 1308 2nd St.
Imperial — Chase County Community Hospital, Telemedicine Room, 600 W. 12th St. Limited space available.
Kearney — University of Nebraska at Kearney, Communications Building, 1910 University Drive
Lexington — Community Health & Fitness Center, Education Room, 1600 W. 13th St.
Lincoln — UNMC College of Dentistry, Dixon Lecture Hall, 40th & Holdrege Streets.
Lynch — Niobrara Valley Hospital, Telehealth Room, 401 S. 5th St.
McCook — Mid-Plains Community College, McCook McMillen Hall, Room #208, 1205 E. 3rd St.
Neligh — Antelope Memorial Hospital, Occupational Therapy Room, 102 W. 9th St.
Norfolk — Northeast Community College, Lifelong Learning Center, Suite C – Nights 1 and 2, Suite E – Night 3, 801 E. Benjamin Ave.
North Platte — UNL Extension-West Central Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Rd.
Omaha (3 sites)
1. UNMC campus, UNMC Durham Research Center, Suzanne & Walter Scott Auditorium, Emile & Durham Research Plaza. Free parking in Lot 2, patient parking structure.
2. Clarkson West Medical Center, Suite 200, 2727 S. 144th St. Park, enter on east side of building (facing Oakview Mall)
3. Metro Community College, Fort Omaha Campus, Building 10, Room #110, 30th & Fort Streets.
NOTE: The UNMC College of Nursing Mobile Nursing Center will provide some free screenings that will include height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure and blood sugar. Cholesterol screenings are available for $10. Those planning to have screenings should indicate so when they register.
O’Neill — North Central District Health Department, Conference Room, 422 E. Douglas St.
Pender — Pender Community Hospital, Basement Meeting Room, 603 Earl St.
Red Cloud — Webster County Historical Museum, Exhibit Hall, 721 W. 4th St. (West Hwy. 136)
Rushville — UNL Extension in Sheridan County, 105 Loofborrow
Scottsbluff — UNMC College of Nursing, University Complex Panhandle Station, Room #201, 4502 Avenue I
Sidney — Western Nebraska Community College, 371 College Drive
Tecumseh — Johnson County Hospital, Conference Room, 202 High St.
Valentine — Cherry County Hospital, Conference Room, 510 N. Green St.
Wayne — Wayne State College, Connell Hall, Room #131, 1111 Main St.
West Point — St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Telehealth Room, 430 N. Monitor St.
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