The puck stops here — Hockey: 101 coming to UNMC

picture disc.Some new instructors will be on campus next week and they won’t be teaching about health sciences.

A one-time class is being offered to all medical center employees and students on a different subject — hockey.

Members of the University of Nebraska at Omaha hockey team and coaching staff will be on campus Tuesday, Oct. 2 at noon in the Durham Research Center Auditorium to offer an inside look at the game and what being a Maverick hockey player is all about.

The free event will give students and employees a chance to meet members of the team and learn the ins and outs of the sport.

The presentation will include equipment demonstrations, a highlight video, ticket information and much more.

Expect a high energy and informative presentation, including time for questions and answers and a prize drawing at the end.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Jill Carson at Employees and students also may bring lunch to the event.

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