Peter Pellerito of the Center for Healthy Living is calling on medical center cyclists to come out in force to enjoy pedaling, a picnic and help UNMC win the Corporate Cycling Challenge on Sunday, Aug. 19.
The winner in each corporate division of the challenge is based on the number of total employee miles ridden. Last year the Med Center finished second to Union Pacific. The challenge gets tougher this year with the addition of Alegent Health.
Wayne Sensor, Alegent CEO, said he was certain his employees could amass more employee miles than UNMC riders.
Pellerito would like UNMC riders to prove him wrong.
For $10 employees can register and receive a t-shirt. Registration is free for employees who don’t want a shirt. All funds raised by the Corporate Cycling Challenge will go to Eastern Nebraska Trails Network for trail development in the Omaha metropolitan area.
Participants can register up to the day of the event, but to order a t-shirt with the UNMC logo on it the registration deadline is Monday, July 23. Riders are urged to register before the event to allow for food planning at the picnic.
A free picnic with hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken breasts for medical center cyclists will follow at Miller’s Landing on the Missouri River just north of the finish line.
Participants may choose to ride the Olde River Ride (10 miles), Riverside Ride (25 miles) or Tour De Fort (42 miles). All tours begin and end at Omaha’s Heartland of America Park at 8th and Farnam streets.
Employees who ride farther than they did last year or recruit an employee who didn’t participate last year will earn an incentive prize. The Employee Rider Incentive Program request form is due by Aug. 6.
In addition to these incentives there is an opportunity to win a Giant Cyprus bike valued at $350.
At the turnaround point cyclists must check-in to have earn opportunity to win the bike. The more miles employees ride, the more chances they have to win.
The first place winner of each corporate division will receive a Corporate Team Trophy and each individual rider will receive an appreciation gift from the Eastern Nebraska Trails Association, the ride organizers.
“The event is a tour and not a race, riders of all abilities can participate,” Pellerito said. “We’re interested in participation and employee miles. If you can pedal a bike, you can participate in this fun-filled challenge.”
Contact Pellerito at 559-5253 or with questions. For more information and forms visit the Center for Healthy Living Web site to learn more about the event.