Million-step Monday — blogging across Nebraska

Conversions and rewards

For those of you wanting “step credit” for exercises other than walking, there is a cross-training conversion chart on page 16 of the “Move To Improve” log book.

Also, remember to turn in the appropriate yellow coupon when you reach each award level — 250,000; 500,000; 750,000 and 1 million steps. The yellow coupons are in the walking kits on the “Wellness Awards Coupon Sheet.”

Prizes can be viewed by going to www.unmc.edu/cfhl and clicking on “One-Million Step Challenge Prizes” or stopping by the Center for Healthy Living front desk and asking to see them. Jayme Nekuda of the Center for Healthy Living will order prizes at the beginning of each month beginning July 1.

A blog has been established for the roughly 800 UNMC employees participating in the 1 Million Step Challenge.

The blog, which can be seen by clicking here, is a place for walkers to interact with the UNMC community as a whole as they take part in the virtual trek across the state.

Whether it be witnessing an inspiring sunrise during a morning jaunt, meeting interesting people while walking or discovering a way to increase one’s step total while at work, walkers are encouraged to write about their experiences during the challenge.

Walkers can e-mail blog entries to NeEtta Gillespie in public affairs at ngillespie@unmc.edu to have them posted.

“This challenge is a hands-on event meant to make employees more active,” said Jayme Nekuda of the Center for Healthy Living. “This blog is a place for these active people to be interactive.”

The following is a list of UNMC employees who have reached one of the 250,000-step markers. Send an e-mail to today@unmc.edu with your name, department and tell us what step milestone you reached and we’ll post it on the list.

250,000 steps

  • Kathryn Feezell, business and finance
  • Leslie Leake, psychiatry
  • Jayme Nekuda, Center for Healthy Living
  • Michelle Parks, College of Pharmacy Dean’s Office
  • Mary Jo Ramirez, College of Pharmacy student services
  • M. A. Ray, physical therapy education
  • Keith Swarts, business services
  • Tom Tape, M.D., general internal medicine
  • Dana Teeters, human resources
  • Tom Tucker, M.D., family medicine

500,000 steps

  • Jessica Brummer, public affairs
  • Karen Burbach, public affairs
  • Julie Carstens, Munroe-Meyer Institute

Where’s your pedometer?
picture disc.

Summer is a busy time for vacations and other activities. UNMC Today is looking for pictures of employees and their pedometers in interesting places.

Snap a picture of you and your pedometer with, say, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty or even the scoreboard at Rosenblatt Stadium in the background, then send it to today@unmc.edu and we’ll run it UNMC Today. (Above: Jayme Nekuda of the Center for Healthy Living and UNMC Today Editor Chuck Brown display their pedometers at the Cattlemen’s Ball earlier this month.)

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