Delegates speaker series to focus on NIH research

Bring a friend

Past quarterly speaker series events have been open to members of the UNMC Delegates Program only, but members are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend to this event. Click here to become a delegate and here to register for this event.

The UNMC Delegates Program’s Quarterly Speaker Series event on June 27 at noon in the Durham Research Center, Room 1005 will feature a presentation on National Institutes of Health research by UNMC Vice Chancellor for Research Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D.

Dr. Rosenquist will explain how the NIH works and why its funding is so important to UNMC. Attendees will then receive laboratory tours from UNMC scientists to illustrate this research funding at work.

The UNMC Delegates Program is a free grassroots advocacy program composed of people willing to advocate on behalf of UNMC to federal and state representatives. The program was started in August and is composed of nearly 250 alumni, students and friends of UNMC, as well as faculty and staff.

This program uses e-mail to communicate issues of importance to UNMC. More specifically, delegates receive informational e-mails regarding congressional and state legislative developments and are called to action when crucial issues arise.

Aside from e-mail communication, members are invited to attend an annual dinner as well as delegates-only quarterly events. Past quarterly speaker series have featured Joann Schaefer, M.D., Nebraska’s Chief Medical Officer, and Joel Johnson, M.D., a Nebraska State Senator and UNMC alumnus.

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