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Virtual trek across Nebraska begins tomorrow

picture disc.

Pedometers such as this will be used to track the number of steps participants take during the upcoming 1 Million Step Challenge. The pedometers and a log book to track steps can be purchased at the Center for Healthy Living for $9.

Jayme Nekuda of the Center for Healthy Living wants you to walk to western Nebraska’s Chimney Rock starting tomorrow.

But here’s the kicker — she says you can complete the cross-state walk without leaving Omaha.

No, Nekuda hasn’t been spending too much time on the treadmill — she simply wants medical center employees to take part in UNMC’s 1 Million Step Challenge.

“Employees should find this challenge a simple, practical and fun way to increase and monitor their activity levels,” Nekuda said.

Here’s how it works:

  • UNMC employees obtain and wear a device called a pedometer, which counts the number of steps a person takes;
  • At the end of each day, employees record the number of steps that particular day in a log book;
  • Walking 250,000 steps is roughly the equivalent of walking from Omaha to Aurora, 500,000 steps represents the distance between Gothenburg and Omaha, 750,000 steps equates to a walk from Omaha to Chappell and 1 million steps represents the distance between Omaha and Chimney Rock.

The goal is for each participating employee to log at least 1 million steps over the next year, Nekuda said.

“Employees should try to improve their activity levels each week by adding any kind of healthy, safe movements to their lives,” she said. “If someone reaches the 1 million-step milestone before a year, they can keep moving toward the 2 million step mark and maybe even onwards toward 3 million steps.”

Prizes will be available for employees at every 250,000-step interval (250,000, 500,000, 750,000, etc.), Nekuda said. The prizes — which can be viewed online at by clicking on One-Million Step Activity Challenge or in person at the Center for Healthy Living (CFHL) — include books, socks, T-shirts, gym bags and lunch totes.

Employees also are encouraged to form teams of walkers, Nekuda said.

After each member of a particular team reaches 1 million steps, the team will be recognized in UNMC Today. Also, the first team to have all its members reach 1 million steps will receive a pizza party.

The challenge begins Tuesday and ends May 14 of next year.

The cost to purchase a pedometer and logbook is $9. Pedometers can be purchased and picked up at the CFHL or routed through campus mail. If an employee already has a pedometer, the logbook is free. Contact Nekuda at 559-8448 or for more information.

“We are confident that by following through on this program employees will see steady improvements in their energy and health,” Nekuda said.

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