Clinical lab group sends care packages to Iraq

Clinical laboratory professionals at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center sent 290 pounds of donations to military troops in Iraq.

The group celebrated National Medical Lab Professionals Week by collecting donations for a troop drive, including money to cover shipping.

The campus responded by filling 24 boxes, said Linda Fell, program director of the clinical laboratory science program in UNMC’s School of Allied Health Professions.

“We’re grateful to everyone who donated gifts and money for shipping,” Fell said. “The boxes are being delivered to soldiers who are friends, family and employees of the clinical laboratory staff at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center.”

Packed inside the 24 boxes were a variety of items including foot powder, soap, toothpaste, breakfast bars, candy, instant drinks, office supplies and games.

The 24 boxes, which mailed for $503, were picked up from the UNMC Mailroom last week. Letters of appreciation also were mailed to the troops.

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