Chancellor’s retreat Web site updated

Breakout session reports, photos and other information from the 2007 Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Retreat have been posted on the UNMC Intranet (

The Web page can be seen by clicking here or by clicking on the Chancellor’s Retreat tab on the Quick Connect section of the Intranet home page.

“Employees should check the Web page to see reports from the retreat’s discussions,” said John Adams, Ph.D., assistant vice chancellor for budget and planning. “The breakout session responses will be instrumental as we write the strategic plan, which will guide UNMC over the next few years.”

The retreat was April 12 at the Westside Community Conference Center in Omaha. Attending faculty heard presentations about and discussed such issues as health care quality education, healthy aging and clinical/translational research.

“These are areas that UNMC needs to focus on as we continue down the path toward becoming a world-class academic health sciences center,” Dr. Adams said.

The plan is being written and will be presented for adoption by the Chancellor’s Council on May 8, Dr. Adams said.

Watch UNMC Today for more information about the strategic plan.

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